Maybe, this could be implemented as a type of flow chart or a sankey diagram, showing time/energy spent on goals/subgoals on the y-axis, and overall time elapsed on the x-axis. You could look at individual goal flows within your activity stream, which would have milestones in them. In a sense what is already there with the category graph, but for goals including milestones/subgoals leading up to each goal. Personally, I would love an arrow design leading up to your goals.
verstandinvictus 09 Dec 2015
Yeah, expanding the "Completed Goals" graph to show steps would be neat.
dpoulshock 27 Mar 2015
When you have a complicated goal with many steps, and you tick those steps one off at a time — along the way, and as part of the "history", it would be a good feature to be able to see all the completed steps WITHIN a goal, rather than separated by date.
11 Dec 2015