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Roadmap » Mindmap visualisation of Goal Map

54 points | Current stage: Idea | Type: Feature


  • dimitri
    11 Oct 2017
    I've mentioned it before. The goal visualizations out there are not satisfactory. Here are a couple of functions of goal visualizations and why available visualizations fall short of them: a) overview of all goals pursued (a snapshot to help you get the big picture of your life and see the current state in each area as well as identify which areas need work to be done, as a way to order the chaos and maintain easy access to visions) b) foster inspiration and drive (reminding you why you pursue your goal, e.g. through something transcendental that is bigger, e.g., aesthetically, than you can believe at the outset, a dream) c) day-to-day motivation and engagement (to overcome small-scale roadblocks and contribute towards a goal) d) support a positive self-concept as a basis against self-doubts (e.g., by valuing and celebrating what has been achieved) e) progress tracking for prognosis or as a measure of a) over time. f) potentially smart analytics to help you evaluate goals against each other in a comparable way on a meaningful metric and help you make decisions (e.g., you have worked 40h this week, but talked only one hour to grandma - which nay be just fine). Perhaps you would group these differently; I think they are essential and the reason why so many goal apps out there do not work: Mindmaps, in my opinion, fail at a) already; most do not offer a really clear overview. Hierarchies and dependencies across branches are poorly represented b-d) can work if implemented well e-f) usually not. Circle/spider web outlines: better at a), still suck at f) because goals are not comparable, hence state is not b) usually yes, c) usually no, d( usually yes. e) no. They give you a sense of control like a swichboard would, still they remind of the current status rather than the goal, do not engage imagination, and have poor representation of the past. Habit trackers and curves: a), c), and e) are usually fine.habit trackers today strangely enough still suck for comparative purposes. Few have good programs to get you back on track. Now you may fuss that not all of these are important, but I would second guess that you personally are so good at what you do that some good habits are already natural to you without technology support. So what would be a good visualization? I think it must be something that looks like threads. On the x axis are all activities or steps taken in one cycle (say a day), on the why axis are all cycles (so you can see change from day to day or week to week). One thread is one of your goals, with steps and milestones along the way as well as visual reminders that are inspiring. Focus is on the now, but one can zoom back to a previous point.
    Projection or planning would be a plus. In a sense one of the available graphs already represents that. What is missing then? The inspirational part: I want to know what's going on, but I don' want to feel like the manager of my life. Something more inspiring that reprsents personal growth. My suggestion is a tree that works as a sankey siagram. Cheers, Dimitri
  • rjh1818
    28 Dec 2016
    Excellent Idea
  • rsiera
    06 Feb 2016
    visualization like done by goalscape is more suitable for goals, but probably harder to implement. Both projects are compatible with each other. Maybe Goalscape API could be opened up for Nach so that Goalscape could be used to visualize Nach data. Would benefit Nach, Goalscape and all their end-users.
  • yoDaddyo
    08 Sep 2015
    I LOVE this please please do this - a real differentiator.