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Roadmap » Calendar steps draggable between days

15 points | Current stage: Completed | Type: Feature

This feature is now live! Read more here:


  • James (Nach Team)
    29 Aug 2015
    This is now live! Along with some other calendar enhancements. See the linked blog post for more details.
  • Anonymous
    07 Jul 2015
    Would be sweet!
  • LauraHibberd
    20 Apr 2015
    I'd add here: It would be helpful to have a view of our goal map alongside the calendar that was also drag and drop-able. The main use I see for this is weekly/monthly planning. Viewing our goals and being able to drag them to the calendar for a visual look at what we have planned for when, and the goal map showing us tasks we have not yet scheduled.
  • LauraHibberd
    15 Apr 2015
    Yes Please! This would be VERY helpful for weekly / monthly planning.
  • dpoulshock
    09 Mar 2015
    This would be very cool. It's so much easier to work on a calendar, to see your goals laid out on a timeline.