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Introducing Category Tabs

Published 6 Jan 2014 | Category: New Features

Today we rolled out a new version of the platform, which included a number of improvements - the biggest being category tabs. If you've already set up categories on your account, you'll notice that the Goal Map, To-Do List, Calendar and Trackers pages now all have a new strip of tabs along the top letting you filter down to a single category.

For all of these pages, the default "All" tab will display them just as before, but there's now the added option to drill down into a single category, which can be handy if your account is starting to get busy, and you want to focus in on just one aspect of your life.

The tools for managing categories have also been expanded - you can now archive a category to hide it from the tabs, but keep it for historic reports - or simply delete a category all together.

If you haven't set up categories yet, now's a good time to get started. Categories should segment your life into different areas of focus, which have as little as possible overlap with each other (because a goal, and everything underneath it, can't belong to more than one category). As well as helping you navigate around the site quickly, categories are used in reports, such as on the Graphs page, to let you see how you're allocating your time between them. Some ideas for categories include:

  • Splitting work and personal goals between different categories.
  • A category related to personal health, so you can look back and make sure you aren't neglecting it.
  • A category for each major project you're working on, which you can then archive once a project is finished.
  • A category for a hobby or skill you're working learning.

  • A category for each client you're working with.

Good luck! And remember, if you have any problems with these new features, or simply have a question about Nach, please get in touch!

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